quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2010

Figueira #1 - Actualização Dezembro 2010

Após perder as folhas e levar uma poda geral, foi altura de colocar uns arames para começar a definir o movimento e colocação da ramificação desta figueira. Ainda tem de desenvolver bastante ao nível da ramificação e da massa verde, mas tenho tido o gozo de ver esta figueirita crescer nas minhas mãos ao longo do tempo.

2 comentários:

JayyVee disse...

Just wanted to say that I liked your thoughts about enjoying most the life of the tree - it already does show it's future promise, however it is the time you spend with the tree and enjoyment of it's company that to me, bonsai is about. :)


Unknown disse...

Hi JayVee!

Thanks for your kind comments. For me, this modest little tree has been a source of great enjoyment. It has been grown from a little seedling found in a small garden and its been really fun to make it evolve to its present state.
Its not a premium class bonsai and it will never make it to Kokufu (lol) but its one of my favourite trees and I tottaly agree with you about the pleasure of simply being with the trees.
Thanks again an I hope to see you around.

P.S.: I'm sorry that the posts are only in portuguese, but if you have any questions about any of the trees, feel free to ask